大连理工大学 土木工程 大学英语模拟测试题

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The bottle is completely watertight, even when laid (    ).
[选项] A.on its side
B.in its side
C.to its side
D.from its side
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] This novel is of supreme artistic standards, (    ) the peak of contemprary American novels.
[选项] A.and represented
B.to represent
D.so to represent
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The corps are suffering (    ) deficient rain.
[选项] A.for
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Women own so many kinds of tools that men (    ).
[选项] A.never saw
B.have never seen
C.never see
D.will never see
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen (    ) a fifth in the past 10 years.
[选项] A.by
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Several journals (    ) the fact that the paper doesn't cite any references.
[选项] A.got stuck in
B.got stuck to
C.got stuck on
D.got stuck for
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The decision we make today affect (    ) of our lives.
[选项] A.the rest
C.the other
[答案] A
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism (    ) an important component of traditional Chinese culture.
[选项] A.but
B.but also
D.and also
[答案] B
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] We are about the same age, and our looks have corroded a bit (    ).
[选项] A.as time
B.through time
C.during time
D.over time
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Some girls might be (    ) with their fantasy and refuse to wake up.
[选项] A.obsessed
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] If one (    ) one thousand people who go out is assaulted, it is still unsafe to go out at night.
[选项] A.of
C.out of
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Relax and be confident, (    ) you won't stumble when you give your speech.
[选项] A.but
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It is said that the plaza, when (    ), will offer more than just a place for shopping.
[选项] A.being completed
C.is completed
D.have been completed
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The truth is that most men think beauty is (    ) just lipstick and perfume and take no notice of these extra details.
[选项] A.better than
B.rather than
C.other than
D.more than
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] She stressed how important it was to (    ) the guidelines.
[选项] A.adhere to
B.adhere with
C.adhere for
D.adhere into
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) you need to do is to comb your hair.
[选项] A.That
[答案] D
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I pulled myself (    ) and soon worked out a plan.
[选项] A.up
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Although these targets will not be internationally binding, they would (    ) outside verification.
[选项] A.get subjected to
B.be subjected to
C.get subject to
D.be subject to
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I have the ability to teach her to speak intelligently (    ) when she speaks she would sound very smart.
[选项] A.so that
B.so as to
C.such that
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The secretary of state is the (    ) of the foreign minister.
[选项] A.opposite
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] He was (    ) selling military secrets to foreign intelligence agencies.
[选项] A.charged of
B.accused of
C.approved of
D.deprived of
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Jones seems interested in (    ) you have told her.
[选项] A.all that
B.all what
[答案] A
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The experiment (    ) the discovery of a cure for cancer.
[选项] A.set up
B.called off
C.resulted in
D.longed for
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Do you know (    ) the population of China is?
[选项] A.how many
B.how much
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ), I cannot agree with him on the matter.
[选项] A.Much as I respect him
B.More as I respect him
C.As I respect him much
D.As I respect him more
[答案] A
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Can you see a man and his horse (    ) are crossing the bridge?
[选项] A.who
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The proposal (    ) we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed on by all.
[选项] A.which
D.of which
[答案] C
[难度] 较难
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] So fast (    ) that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.
[选项] A.light travels
B.travels light
C.does light travel
D.has light traveled
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It's high time you (    ) us the truth.
[选项] A.tell
B.have told
D.had told
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Don't take him for a friend; he's (    ) a bully.
[选项] A.everything to
B.nothing but
C.anything like
D.something of
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.
[选项] A.He is remembered
B.To remember
C.While remembering
D.Though remembered
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and (    ).
[选项] A.so did the airlines
B.nor did the airlines
C.so the airlines did
D.nor the airlines did
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The two boys had so (    ) in common that they soon became good friends.
[选项] A.little
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] He didn't (    ) and so he failed the examination.
[选项] A.work enough hard
B.work hard enough
C.hard work enough
D.hard enough work
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It was in 1777 (    ) Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth.
[选项] A.when
C.in which
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I was (    ) to find his article so (    ).
[选项] A.surprised; bored
B.surprising; boring
C.surprised; boring
D.surprising; bored
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan, (    ) was something we had not expected.
[选项] A.that
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Hardly had they arrived at the airport (    ) the plane started to leave.
[选项] A.than
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The song on the radio (    ) us of our childhood in the country.
[选项] A.remembers
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] How well educated a person is (    ) a strong influence on his career.
[选项] A.has
C.to have
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) after his death that he was recognized as a great composer.
[选项] A.It is until
B.It was until
C.Not until
D.It was not until
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Many boys (    ) tried, but (    ) have succeeded.
[选项] A.have; many
B.have; few
C.has; a few
D.have; a little
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] You (    ) us about his departure a week ago.
[选项] A.ought to have told
B.have told
C.had told
D.might as well tell
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] We must make some investigations (    ) we can draw any conclusion.
[选项] A.since
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The professor paused as if (    ) his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.
[选项] A.expecting
B.to expect
C.having expected
D.to have expected
[答案] A
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, (    ).
[选项] A.her long hair flowing in the breeze
B.her long hair was flowing in the breeze
C.her long hair flowed in the breeze
D.her long hair flow in the breeze
[答案] A
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Though (    ) in the city, Mr. Smith enjoyed the peaceful life in the countryside.
[选项] A.being born and bred
B.born and bred
C.to be born and bred
D.was born and bred
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It is essential to be on friendly (    ) with neighbors.
[选项] A.connection
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] —Has Jenny's plane landed?
—No, but it (    ) here in a few minutes.
[选项] A.may have been
B.ought to be
C.should have been
D.has to be
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] After (    ) to prison, they regret not having taken advice from their parents and friends.
[选项] A.have sent
B.have been sent
C.having sent
D.being sent
[答案] D
[难度] 较难
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It was so dark that (    ) anything.
[选项] A.hardly could we see
B.hardly we could see
C.we could hardly see
D.could we hardly see
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The car (    ) on the way to the station, and we had to get a taxi.
[选项] A.broke down
B.breaking down
C.broken down
D.was broken down
[答案] A
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] When questioned, he (    ) doing anything illegal.
[选项] A.refused
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) the people in the workshop, Tommy is the most skilled.
[选项] A.Of all
B.To all
C.In all
D.From all
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] This is the university (    ).
[选项] A.at which do we study
B.we are studying
C.we are studying at
D.where we study at
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It's (    ) that we'd better go fishing.
[选项] A.such lovely a day
B.a such lovely day
C.so lovely a day
D.a so lovely day
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The reason for my absence was (    ) I had fallen ill.
[选项] A.why
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It is necessary that your daughter (    ) to operate a computer.
[选项] A.learn
D.must learn
[答案] A
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I (    ) Billy not to walk on the ice but he just went on.
[选项] A.persuaded
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] We all don't think (    ) she left for Boston yesterday.
[选项] A.that it true
B.it true that
C.it that true
D.that true it
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] To carry out the plan successfully, you have to get well prepared (    ).
[选项] A.in detail
B.in turn
C.in advance
D.in force
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The meeting had to be (    ) because of the absence of the chairman of the board.
[选项] A.called off
B.called on
C.called in
D.called for
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The doctor recommended that the patient (    ) in bed until a specialist was called in.
[选项] A.would stay
B.ought to stay
C.should stay
D.had to stay
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] We are aware that, (    ), the situation will get worse.
[选项] A.if not dealing with carefully
B.if dealt not carefully with
C.if not carefully dealt with
D.if not carefully dealing with
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Sorry, Ted, I forgot (    ) the door before I left, but I do remember (    ) the key to the door keeper.
[选项] A.to lock; to return
B.to lock; returning
C.locking; returning
D.locking; to return
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I'm glad to (    ) with you for six months. Thank you for your help during the last months.
[选项] A.have worked
C.be working
D.have been working
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It was in this house (    ) the important meeting in history was held.
[选项] A.where
D.in which
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] —How about taking a walk?
—Oh, I think it's (    ) cold for a walk.
[选项] A.very much
B.too much
C.much too
D.so much
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] She makes a (    ) by working as a model.
[选项] A.life
[答案] D
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Did you notice that Tommy (    ) out of the building, Mr. Baker?
[选项] A.comes
B.to come
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] On the Sunday (    ) your visit, I went to see him with Mr. Power.
[选项] A.follows
D.to follow
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It is no use (    ) with him, because he will never change his mind.
[选项] A.argue
D.to have argued
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] She seems not to be interested in all (    ) you have told her.
[选项] A.which
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Five dollars (    ) enough for me to have dinner.
[选项] A.are
C.has been
D.will have been
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] This novel is easy (    ).
[选项] A.to be read
B.to read
D.being read
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Please write down the phone number (    ).
[选项] A.so as not to forget it
B.as far as not to forget it
C.so as to not forget it
D.not in order to forget it
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] We are free (    ) home.
[选项] A.go
B.to go
D.to go to
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] They think (    ).
[选项] A.it their duty helped disabled men
B.their duty to help disabled men
C.their duty help disabled men
D.it their duty to help disabled men
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] The thief was noticed (    ) the bank.
[选项] A.steal into
B.stole into
C.to steal into
D.stolen into
[答案] C
[难度] 较难
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I never expected the lost bicycle (    ).
[选项] A.to find
B.to be found
[答案] B
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] When I entered the living-room, mother didn't say anything, but I noticed a (    ) look come over her face.
[选项] A.surprise
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Imagine (    ) with someone who never stops (    ) practical jokes on you.
[选项] A.to live; to play
B.living; playing
C.to live; playing
D.living; to play
[答案] B
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) received education as today.
[选项] A.Never have so many women
B.Never have women ever
C.Never so many women
D.Never have there be so many women
[答案] A
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] This is the subject (    ) they will argue for a long time.
[选项] A.which
B.about which
C.about that
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Having been treated so badly in her aunt's family, the girl couldn't (    ) and left.
[选项] A.put it up
B.put up with it
C.put it off
D.put with it
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Her parents (    ) to see the doctor without delay.
[选项] A.suggested her to go
B.insisted on her to go
C.made her to go
D.insisted that she go
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It was because of his wife's dicovery (    ) he was able to find his long-lost brother.
[选项] A.that
C.so that
D.by which
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] I am not sure (    ).
[选项] A.whether are these railway timetables accurate
B.how accurate are these railway timetables
C.where can we get these railway timetables
D.if these railways timetables are accurate
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) computers have greatly changed our way of life is a universally accepted fact.
[选项] A.Modern
B.That modern
C.What modern
D.It is modern
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Before (    ) the office she always makes sure (    ) the lights.
[选项] A.left; turn off
B.leaving; to turn off
C.leave; turning off
D.to leave; in turning off
[答案] B
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] Hearing someone unlocking the door, the man rushed to the back door, (    ) the table over and alomost (    ) all the fine plates.
[选项] A.to knock; smashing
B.knocking; smashed
C.knocked; smashing
D.knocking; smashing
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] —I wonder why he was late for the meeting. He has always been punctual.
—So do I. He (    ) an accident.
[选项] A.must have
B.should have had
C.would have had
D.might have had
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle (    ) in a town.
[选项] A.for
[答案] D
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] You are supposed to write your composition every (    ) line.
[选项] A.one
[答案] C
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It is true that the surroundings will (    ) one's work and studies.
[选项] A.affect
[答案] A
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] It was his own stupidity that (    ) his downfall.
[选项] A.brought up
B.brought forward
C.brought down
D.brought about
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] There would be no doubt (    ) the boy had done something wrong.
[选项] A.what
[答案] D
[难度] 易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) a car on an icy road, the brake must be used gently.
[选项] A.Driving
B.When driving
C.If driving
D.When one is driving
[答案] D
[难度] 中
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) his arrival at the airport, he made a long distant call to his wife at home.
[选项] A.On
C.The moment
D.As soon as
[答案] A
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00

[题型] 单选题
[类别] 模拟
[题干] (    ) mistakes in learning English is not stupid, but (    ) afraid of making mistakes is.
[选项] A.Make; be
B.Making; you are
C.Making; being
D.Making; one is
[答案] C
[难度] 较易
[分数] 2.00
