问答题 基础英语II段落翻译:Books are man’s peculiar accomplishment. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind include a piece of Homer’s mind. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experien

基础英语II段落翻译:Books are man’s peculiar accomplishment. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind include a piece of Homer’s mind. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experience of Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare--- the list is endless. For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not the time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time. A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds.
段落翻译:Books are man’s peculiar accomplishment. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind include a piece of Homer’s mind. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experience of Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare--- the list is endless. For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not the time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time. A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds.
